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发布时间:2023-11-03 23:08:26 来源:亿丰五金网


您当前位置:首页 企业聚焦2015华南地区VOCs治理技术及模式创新研讨会




Shanxi TT high ozone ultraviolet light / finishing


On the morn以下是弹簧拉压疲劳实验机的结构组成与功能特点ing of November 11, 2015 Guangzhou ring Bo will be meeting forum period: 2015 in South China VOCs control technology and model innovation seminar held a grand, Guangdong Provincial Environmental Protection Office Clerks Duan Xian Zhong, China Plastics Processing Industry Association composite membrane products professional committee of the Secretary General Long Li Jianjun忻州 and Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. Guangdong Li Feng Technology Director Lai Qingzhi respectively for the speech.


The November 10th opening of the Guangzhou ring Expo forums, is undoubtedly the main one. 11 am, 2015 Southern China area VOCs management technology and mode innovation seminar officially launched.

广东省环保厅主任科员 段献忠 就“华南地区挥发性有机物(VOCs)治理现状及需求”做演讲。

Guangdong Provincial Environmental Protection Office Clerks Duan Xian Zhong is "South China area of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) governance status and demand" and make a speech.


Duan Xianzhong said that in 2015 the focus of the work is: the province's industrial sources VOCs comprehensive investigation, the total accounting rules, the general implementation of the petrochemical industry LDAR, the comprehensive improvement of the container industry, oil and gas recovery and management methods, etc..


He disclosed that the next step of the work arrangements are mainly focus on: promotion of water, low volatile paint; update key regulatory enterprise directory; key industry focus on corporate governance pilot; ex包卷式纸箱抗压强度计算公式:plore the esta剪切刀blishment of emission reporting management system and the implementation of coating content limits and green certification, etc..

中国塑料加工工业协会复合膜制品专业委员会秘书长 李建军 就“包装印刷业VOCs治理现状与发展方向分析”做演讲。

China Plastics Processing Industry Association composite membrane products professional committee secretary general Li Jianjun on the packaging and printing industry VOCs governance status quo and development direction analysis.


Li Jianjun introduced in detail the general situation of the packaging and printing industry, the industry VOCs emissions charging method, the current packaging and printing industry VOCs gov振动压路机ernance ideas, technology, processes and processes, etc..


He disclosed that from the research situation, the industry VOCs governance is in its infancy, the majority of enterprises are starting to move, small and medium enterprises are more than wait for the situation,其中1.24亿美元用于石墨烯技术研发 and the main reason for the weak corporate environmental awareness is not strong governance, governance technology is not mature, social management system is not complete; management of large investment, high operating costs; lack of complete supporting policies and effective implementation measures.


In the end, he gives a feasible route of governance.

广东俐峰环保科技有限公司技术总监 赖庆智 就“汽车喷涂行业VOCs监测及治理技术”做演讲。

Guangdong Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. Cordero peak technical director Lai Qingzhi "car spraying industry VOCs monitoring and treatment technology" to make a speech.


Lai Qingzhi on the Taiwan automobile manufacturing industry VOCs monitoring and control technology to do a detailed introduction and analysis. On the detection method, the standard analysis method of Taiwan NMHC, emission standa脑卒中是目前全球第2大致死疾病rds, non methane total hydrocarbon monitoring method, VOCs automatic monitoring equipment and spray industry control technology were interpreted, and the future will appear and gradually mature technology to do battle.
